Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Fool on the Hill

Tashi Delek Friends,
I guess it is about time for another post. I would like to thank my friends who recently posted comments( Wescase , Aaroncase, Candcase, and Stacecase). I had a good laugh reading your comments. I wish I could be there with you guys but I am also very happy here. I had my second day of classes today and it went very well. The monks apparently like learning so much that they requested that I teach more than just 3 days a week and teach the full 5 day schedule. I was flattered but I told them I was American and that we don't like to work as much as you guys. Just kidding. I was happy to oblige. This is very funny to me because you would never catch American students asking for more classes and more homework. I guess things really are backwards over here. The students are very eager and it truly is a pleasure teaching. I finally have gotten bored with soupy stuff over rice and have been taking my meals in town once a day. I have found some places that serve what they think is American food and it is a nice change. Some places here try to have a western appeal but just seem to miss the mark sometimes. Like so many beauty shops calling themselves "Saloons" , Ketchup (called "continental sauce") that tastes like tomato fruit paste, pancakes with no syrup and so on. But hey, at least they try. I am a big fan of momos and there are plenty of those to be had. For those who don't know what momos are they are a himalyan favorite very much like Chinese dumplings in American Chinese restaurants. I think of all of my friends and family everyday. As different as things are here there are still things that remind me of each of you at different moments. There are some very beautiful women here. You can be walking down the street and your eyes catch a glance from an incredibly elegant lady dressed in a sari with deep dark eyes, creamy caramel skin, and a gate that is both humble and proud. And as she comes closer you think "my god she is amazing!". And at that moment she looks you in the eyes, sticks out her neck and "kkkrkkrup! Thuew!" she spits out the nastiest loogy any older brother or middle school boy has ever seen. Of course not all women here are like that but it is quite funny and not that rare of a site. There are plenty of beautiful people here and thankfully some find the spitting as vulgar as I do. The life expectancy here is not that long for himilayan people so here I am an old man. Everyone always wants to know why I am not married. I tell them because women are selfish pigs and all they want is your money and to leave you heartbroken and penniless. Again, just kidding. It is common here to marry at 13 and start having kids soon after. And boy do they have kids. I love it. There are so many children here. The streets are safe so parents feel fine letting them play out in the open. There has to be 5 kids to every adult here. At least it seems this way. The children love westerners and when I walk to the market everyday they shout from the roof tops or come running up to you laughing and say "Hello sir" and eagerly reach to shake your hand. It is hard not keep a smile on your face when there are so many happy children around.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

derek reading what you are doing and how happy you are, makes me think about how we,you, and probably other friends and family worried about you going before you left. I knew you would have positive impact on anyone you came in contact with there, as was here! and it is obvious you made the right decision! It inspires all of us to go for whatever goal we have to acomplish in our short lives, and forget about...well that was just a dream! Just took up skiing again and planning on starting to hike more (and longer) to maybe hit the AT with you when you get home! (and i mean georgia to main!) just another dream? ANT

February 16, 2005 at 8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dad, just wanted to let you know fakedad and the girls are treating me good. me and montana get along good but this new german shepard puppy is a pain in the @#$! your dog JESSE

February 16, 2005 at 9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just your older brother saying that ill put my loogeys up against any old indian wowans any day...ANT

February 16, 2005 at 11:11 PM  

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